Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clear Rounds, Golf Balls and Raving Biscuits

*All the awesome agility pictures on my blog are courtesy of Melissa Wilson...

July is definitely not my month... not when it comes to vet's bills anyway... After Delta came back from an extended holiday at my parents (see my mother gets Border Collie Withdrawal Symptoms, BCWS, which can only be treated with BC visits of course), I discovered two things, 1.  The groomers my mother had so good-heartedly taken Gwell to, had SCISSOR-TRIMMED my friggin Border Collie???  Now I ask you with tears in my baby blue eyes, who scissor trims a BC???  I mean I DO prefer my short coated BC's, but that doesn't mean I want to turn my beautiful very nice breed looking BC into a short-coat!  Secondly I discovered a huge blood pocket in his ear... not THAT surprising, since Delta has the tendency to be slightly insane and run into stuff...  Anyhow, so had to have that drained, which is quite a disgusting process...  He was put under anaesthetics, they drained as much as they could, stitched up the ear and off to home we went. However you have to understand that this is quite a disgusting and inconvenient scenario.  A.  The ear still drained for 24 hours afterwards, which meant that every time Delta would shake his head, blood would go spattering all over the place.  I was walking around with rubber gloves and dettol for a full day.  B.  We now have Delta the Satellite Dish, which is fine, except for the fact that he is still his insane, crazy self, and when he tries to run full speed somewhere, he keeps running into my legs, which leaves me with a TON of bruises, NOT fun.  C.  On top of the scissor trim, half of his head is sporting a Surgical Cut, with Frankenstein stitches, my poor boy does NOT look like a BC any more...

Now all of this, on top of a ton of agility politics, left me rather scatter brained, tired and as per the usual, slightly insane.  When I am in a state like this (I am sure you all know them), my typing skills go to sh!t, which lead to raving biscuits... well actually I was CRAVING biscuits, which I decided to share with my better half via IM, but I kind of forgot the C...  Which lead to a new saying in the Reed household.  If you are being silly, stupid, over-tired or just generally insane, you are RAVING BISCUITS... and I think I have been raving biscuits the whole week!

Now to bigger and better things.  We had a show today, Spaz and Monster were entered, so off we went with Stein along for socialisation... this makes me think, why can't I just stick to my dogs's given names?  Eish, what's up with all the nicknames???  Anyhow, I had a pretty good day... well a pretty damn good day if you ask me.  We will start off with Quake...  Now as I have mentioned before, I have always had Over the Top dogs (OTP) and Quake is my first Under the Lid dog (UTL)...  Yeah, Delta always preferred his own course design to that the judge suggested (yes, in his head the numbers were always just a suggestion) and Echo woke sleeping babies in Canada with his barking... but at least they were ALWAYS beyond excited about working.  With Quake it has taken HARD work to get him 'into' agility and it STILL sometimes fails. His contact round was one of confidence building... I let the fly-off and slide and just kept going and being happy.   However... drumroll... I am proud to announce that he had his first clear today, with a first place and there for a qualification.  Haha, when he got the pole entry I started holding my breath and around pole 9 I nearly passed out from the suspension... will he do it?  Well he did.  I mean he is not the superfast flyer speedy doggie, but I think he did well for him and it gives me hope for the future...

Spaz?  He was just the awesomeness boy.  A couple of dogs before,  me C and awesome girl Seis ran and seeing her round I KNEW it was all or nothing, so I went for ALL again.  Damn, why can't the winning rounds ALWAYS run before me, it is such good motivation. In  my quest to chase I released him way too early on his A-Frame, but he managed to get a back foot in there and then I waited too long before releasing on the dog walk, which cost me a bit of time... I finally managed to get the timing of my release right on the see-saw.  Anyhow, it is a proud second that I took.  Mostly because I have been completely in love with Seis since she has been a pup, and of course because she is one of the best agility dogs I have ever seen.  And of course I am just happy that I TRIED and I WENT for it.  Sadly there was not enough dogs for a second QC, since Spaz needs one more to become a Champ, but it is fine, I have all the time in the world, I am not in a hurry.  In the non-contact he wowed me with another brilliant round!  A bit wide between 2 and 3, and doing a couple of faceplants on the loose dry glass, but an awesome round nonetheless...  And another second to... Seis and C... haha and another proud second I must say.  In Dog Jumping he knocked a bar and came out of the poles, but it seems it was one of those days where everyone f#$ked up and he still managed a third... haha, I wanted to laugh actually...  All in all a good day with tons of dog food and rosettes coming home.

And just to make my day, Melissa brought me my newest agility pics today and they are AWESOME (As  you can see) and as a bonus L and J had taken some video of last weekends WODAC (refer to older posts) so here is the concise version of the last two weekends...

And just to show you the awesome dog that beat me today:

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